27 Jul 2021

5 Tips For Healthy, Hydrated Hair

Dry hair can be a nightmare. It’s brittle, breaks and falls out easily. It lacks shine, is difficult to untangle and can be difficult to style. The elements, from the bright sunshine in the summer to the cold winds in the winter, make it a year-round problem too. Meanwhile, the styling methods we use and the stress we experience can also have a terrible effect on the dryness of hair. Keeping your hair hydrated is crucial to give them the softness and fullness indicative of health, as well as keeping your scalp in great condition. By getting water deep into your locks, you’ll help eliminate dryness and also reduce hair loss. Here are 5 tips to help get the hydrated hair you’ve always desired for locks that are soft, full, moisturised and healthy.

Water, Water, Everywhere

Unsurprisingly, discussing how to hydrate hair involves water! You need water to function, and that applies as much to your hair as to any other part of your body. If you don’t drink enough water, then not only are you dehydrating your body, but your hair too. Not only will your tresses be dry, but it will actually stunt growth. Make sure you drink at least 8 glasses of water each day. Set alarms on your phone through the day to remind you to drink regularly. You should also spritz water on your locks to help achieve and protect hydrated hair.

Hair Masks = Hydrated Hair

Hydrated Hair


To help your hair and scalp retain moisture and stay in the best possible condition, using a hair mask on a regular basis is a must. If you’ve used a face mask before, you’ll know how effectively they nourish and hydrate your skin. A hair mask works in exactly the same way. A great hair mask will be full of hydrating and revitalising ingredients. It will also give you shinier and softer locks which are thicker and stronger. Our new Nourishing Miracle Treatment Hair Mask is scientifically formulated, using the exclusive Anagain ingredient, to stimulate, fortify and hydrate your hair and scalp. The luxurious formula will reduce hair loss, prevent damage and give your locks lustre and shine from the root to tip. Used once a week, it will help you achieve and hold onto hydrated hair as well as nourish, repair and protect your tresses.

Hair Gain Hair Mask 180ml £32 - SHOP NOW

Hair Gain Hair Mask 50ml £14.50 - SHOP NOW

Avoid Heat

Hydrated Hair

Heat is a sure-fire way of removing moisture from hydrated hair, especially in the summer months when the sun is already working to dry your locks out. Styling tools such as blow dryers, curling irons and straighteners are your enemy: the more you use them, the dryer your hair will be. The high temperatures such devices use burn the outside of the hair strands and damage the chemical structure inside. Avoid using these tools as much as you can, and if you must blow dry, use a cool setting and keep the dryer at least 15 cm from your hair. 

Hot water can also strip your locks of essential oils and moisture, so wash with warm water instead of hot. The last rinse should be with cold water, this will help seal in the moisture. Go on – be brave, your hair will love you for it!

Wash Your Hair Less Often

If your hair is dehydrated, washing it every day is not going to help. Most shampoos contain synthetic ingredients that are great for cleaning. But they also hammer natural oils and you guessed it, dry your locks. You should really wash your hair twice a week, 3 times at the outside. This will allow your hair to hold on to moisture and natural oils. If you feel you have to wash daily, then use a shampoo specifically for dry hair. Apply shampoo mostly on the scalp, while using conditioner mainly on the ends. This will help prevent removing moisture from hydrated hair. A key step towards hair hydration. 

Always Use Conditioners

Hydrated Hair

Conditioners essentially exist because they help to replenish the moisture the shampoo has stripped away. If you aren’t already using a conditioner every time you wash your hair, then you need to start now! As well as combatting dryness issues, it will also help to eliminate annoying tangling. If you are using a conditioner but are still experiencing problems, then using a hydrating hair mask once a week like our nourishing miracle treatment is a must!

Hope you found our tips on hair hydration useful!

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Look After Your Locks Inside And Out

Backed by trichologists and scientifically formulated with an amazing blend of key hair vitamins, minerals and the signature ingredient AnaGain™, incorporating Hair Gain Hair Capsules and Hair Gummies into your hair care regimen will promote healthy hair growth and fight hair loss. And Hair Gain’s amazing range of topicals – Hair Gain Hair MaskScalp Foam and the next generation Peptide Puff™ dry shampoo will look after your locks on the outside.


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